
Model Railroad Layout

Yup - that's me! Complete with long hair, wire-rim aviator eyeglasses and pimples to boot! Ah, how wonderful it was to be a teenager in America in the 70's with so much potential to go out and live a marvelous life! That's about all I have to say about that.

This page is a journey into the world of miniature that I created in the basement of my house at 578 West Housatonic Street, in Pittsfield, MA from about the Fall of 2001 to when I moved out of that abode in the Summer of 2010. Of course, I didn't immediately disassemble the layout and/or, sell the house. I actually rented the place to a family with a couple of young children who I assumed, might benefit from it's presence in the basement as a viable pastime activity. Sadly, such was not the case and over the course of several months, the layout fell into disrepair and eventually, the tenant requested for it to be removed so they could utilize the space for storage. So, in the year 2013, I attempted to break it up and remove it from the house but to no avail, the lion share of the layout ended up at the local dump. While I managed to pack away all the model trains, Matchboxes, buildings and other landscape details worth salvaging (with the hope of incorporating them in a future endeavor of the same ilk), the layout itself was cut up and rendered as garbage. I still have multiple sealed boxes of model train layout remnants awaiting the opportunity to surface once again in some form of new display. Of course, I'm not sure when/if that opportunity will ever present itself so for now, there's just these images of what used to be.

I had always been a "train enthusiast" from my very early years visiting my grandparents in Millerton, NY, where my grandfather used to take us kids to a railroad crossing in the middle of town just to watch the giant locomotives and long trains pass by as a form of entertainment. Then there were countless trips to Canaan, CT for their annual Train Days celebration (Canaan used to be a major hub for the Housatonic and New Haven Railroads so naturally, they saw the benefit of celebrating this vital industry in their community). Then, through all the rest of my years, I was always enamored with big, powerful engines of our world, and the legacy they had upon our nation. I have visited train museums in California, Utah, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Maryland. Oh, I also had a minor train layout in the basement of our Pittsfield homestead for a time period growing up. So the predilection and interest for trains, both real and model have always been there. And then, the opportunity to create this miniature world presented itself when I owned my first home in my life and this big open space in the basement of my new house to create the layout of my dreams!

More about the layout itself: it is of the fictional town of Prescott, MA (a town that used to exist but now is at the bottom of the Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts) and features a time period when the Penn-Central Railroad operated in this region of the country (which was basically from 1968 to 1976). There was a major train track less than a mile from the house I grew up in, in Pittsfield, MA, where Penn-Central emblazoned locomotives and train cars passed by multiple times day and often times, wear contemplated upon by at least one west Pittsfield youngster! Anyways, I built this world of miniature based on the premise described above and incorporated some other features that interested me as well, including: a beer maker (of course!), a stone quarry called: “Sly Stone Company”, an Army Depot that included an oversized inventory of tanks, halftracks and other military vehicles, a hobo encampment, a vintage automobile dealership, a Howard Johnson’s restaurant, banks, hotels, a post office, train station and everything else you might expect in a small town of this nature. I used to imagine being a miniature person walking or driving around this village and believing it to be real!?! Anyways, check it out and once again, enjoy!

Ambulance and fire truck at Fireproof Warehouse emergency.

Another Euclid heavy dump truck heading to quarry near Knobb Hill.

Another view of Lonesome Joe's and underpass for River Road.

Another view of Lonesome Joe's.

Army depot main garage and office building.

Army truck in Army depot.

B&O steam loco.

Cement Mixers stopped at Howard Johnsons - hope they're empty!

Chevy Impala parked in front of post office on Main Street

Control tower at north end of River Street siding

Derrick Crane at Army Depot

Derrick Crane in Army Depot unloading tanks

East entrance to tunnel that goes under Knobb Hill.

Emergency vehicles responding to fire at Fireproof Warehouse.

Emergency vehicles responding to fire at Fireproof Warehouse.

Emergency vehicles responding to fire at Fireproof Warehouse

Euclid heavy dump truck making trip to quarry near Knobb Hill.

Family leaving for road trip at house along Elm Street.

Fireproof Warehouse on left and Milwaukee Brewing Company building on right. Greasy spoon diner in foreground.

First Congregational Church on Main Street in Prescott, MA.

Flat beds loaded with WWII tanks.

Foliage on hill in southwest corner of layout along Maple Avenue

Good view of Army Depot looking south and east.

Good view of Sly Stone Company with rail cars filled and ready for transport.

Heavy dump trucks heading to quarry on Knobb Hill, north of downtown.

Hillside Lumber yard along Maple Street.


Hopper cars filled with material from Sly Stone Company at siding on west end of Prescott. Railroad command center and abandoned caboose office building in rail yard.

House along Elm Street.

House along Elm Street.

Houses along Elm Street with railroad tunnel entrance on the left

Houses and Howard Johnson Restaurant along Elm Street in Prescott, MA

Howard Johnsons on Elm Street in Prescott.

Intersection of Elm and Main Street with local bank, full service gas station and Presbyterian Church in picture.

Intersection of Elm and Main Streets.

Intersection of Main Street, Euclid Avenue and Elm Street

Intersection of Maple Avenue and River Street and underpass over River Street

Intersection of South Main Street and Maple Avenue. Old train maintenance facility on the right.

Junk cars and old bulldozer on Knobb Hill, north of town.

Lonesome Joe's cabin

Lonesome Joe's on the south end of town.

Lonesome Joe's.

Looking east along Elm Street with Sly Stone Company and Howard Johnsons in the distance,

Looking north along River Road.

Looking north along South Main Street at downtown Prescott, MA.

Looking north along main line with Euclid Avenue and Elm Street intersection in the distance.

Looking north towards downtown Prescott, MA.

Looking south through Army Depot at more Quonset huts and front of main garage.

Looking west along Euclid Avenue from Main Street

Main Street and Elm Street intersection looking east.

Main Street at Euclid Avenue. Milwaukee Brewing Company, First Congregational Church, Prescott City Hall and Fire Department HQ.

Main entrance into Milwaukee Brewing Company.

Main entrance to City Hall on Main Street in Prescott.

Maple Avenue along south west end of town near main rail line.

Miscellaneous locomotives moving along upper main line near Army Depot.

Moving van at house on Elm Street.

Moving van at house on Elm Street

Norfolk and Western caboose on upper main line near Army Depot.

North end of Army Depot.

North end of army depot (are those Russian and WWII era German tanks on railroad flat cars?)

Office trailer at Sly Stone Company gravel pit

Office trailer near Sly Stone Company.

Old Mack truck with flatbed trailer parked near Sly Stone Company.

Old New York central locomotive on overpass above South Main Street.

Old Pennsylvania RR wood-sided passenger car on trestle over South Main Street

Old Power Shovel parked near Sly Stone Gravel Company

Old wood-sided passenger cars on upper main line near Army Depot, south end of town.

Outhouse behind office trailer at Sly Stone Company gravel yard

PC caboose on upper main line south of downtown.

PC caboose on upper main line south of town.

Penn Central box car on local line near north end of Army Depot.

Penn Central caboose near trestle bridge over South Main Street

Penn Central locomotive near South Main Street trestle bridge

Penn Central locomotive on siding above Prescott.

Penn Central locomotive on siding near Sly Stone Company.

Penn Central locomotive rolling upper main rail line at south end of Prescott, MA.

Penn Central on Siding

Penn Central tank train on siding above town of Prescott

Prescott Fire Department headquarters and local bank on Main Street in Prescott, MA.

Prescott Train Station

Public Works building on west end of Euclid Avenue.

Quonset hut and water tower at north end of army depot

Railroad command tower near Sly Stone Company.

Red 60's Chevelle parked on main Street in downtown Prescott.

River Road looking north.

River Road underpass at south end of town.

River Road with Penn Central train waiting in siding.

Sherman Tanks and Half Tracks parked at Army Depot

Sly Stone Company - it really rocks!

South Main Street at Prescott train station (looking east)

Tanker facility near Fireproof Warehouse where fire crews are responding to emergency

Tanks and equipment at Army depot

Tanks lined up along fence line in Army Depot.

Town of Prescott water tower at top of Knobb Hill.

Train exiting tunnel on Main line west of Prescott.

Train exiting tunnel on main rail line west of downtown.

Trucks lined up along east fence line at Army Depot.

Trucks lined up at Milwaukee Brewing Company on Main Street in Prescott, MA. Greasy-spoon diner on left and Classic Car dealership on the right.

Trucks lined up at Milwaukee Brewing Company, plus greasy-spoon diner and train station.

Underpass at south end of River road.

Upper main railroad line near Lonesome Joe's.

View of Army Depot water tower and flatbed rail cars loaded with antique tanks.

View of Derrick Crane and 6x6 Army Trucks parked along fence line of Army Depot near South Main Street

View of Howard Johnson Roadside Inn Restaurant along Elm Street in Prescott, MA with Sly Stone Company above/behind

View of Main Street looking north with Milwaukee Brewing company building dominating the skyline

View of Prescott skyline looking northeast towards Sly Stone Company.

View of Sherman tanks and half tracks at Army Depot

View of Sly Stone Company

Vintage B&O steam locomotive on upper main rail line.

Wallschlager Motors Classic Cars auto dealership on Main Street in Prescott, MA

Weigh Station and office building at Sly Stone Company.

White Freightliner at Milwaukee Brewing Company.

cars parked at Milwaukee Brewing Company along Euclid Avenue.

cars parked at Prescott City Hall building.